Not long ago I discovered one of my favourite Russian verbs - перезимовать, which basically translates into 'to make it through the winter'. As soon as I learnt it, I thought to myself 'this would make a great blog post title, perhaps in December when it gets a bit colder'. Well as it turns out boys and girls, winter here in Russia has officially arrived. Today, the 27th September 2013, it finally stopped raining in Voronezh. Instead, much to our (and many of the Russians) surprise, the rain turned into snow! Even our culture teacher spurted out something along the lines of 'Очень холодно сегодня! Какая странная погода! Снег в Сентябре??' (It's so cold today! What strange weather! Snow in September??) Typical! Apparently this is now the coldest September in 100+ years... Lucky us!! Instead of getting all excited about the first snow of the year like we usually do, we immediately started to groan as most of us had a good 30 minute walk home. Oh well - I did want the full Russian experience and being cold is definitely a big part of that!
It's going to be a long winter...