I am exhausted. I landed in the UK on Saturday at 4.50am and jetlag has taken over. However, I have no time for jetlag, as the countdown has gone past the week point and I have to get my life together. I popped to Bluewater (a large shopping centre) yesterday and picked up some last minute bits - so today I finally put the first items into my suitcase. I also wanted to show whoever reads this blog what I've got so far!
So that is about it. I'm going to raid M&S tomorrow to get some new pyjamas, tights and socks. I also need to raid my nail polish collection and narrow it down to the final 5 that get to come with me on my travels. When I wake up tomorrow the countdown will be officially 4 days which is pretty scary. Luckily, I am feeling fairly organised and prepared, so the next few days should run pretty smoothly, right?