Saturday, October 5, 2013

one month down...

Sam, Kiara, Grace, Katya and I with some Hungarian Sparkling Wine at Спартак

So here I am, exactly four weeks after my arrival in the motherland and I cannot believe I've made it this far. Russia has definitely challenged everyone and has pushed us all, but we're all still standing and ready to take on whatever it has to throw at us next. I actually can't quite believe I've been here only a month - it feels like a hell of a lot longer but at the same time it's gone pretty quickly. Last night Sam, Kiara, Grace, Katya and I headed out for some wine and pudding to celebrate our 1st month-iversary in Воронеж and it turned out to be a night full of fun, far too much champagne and even resulted in a drunk Russian that wouldn't leave us alone being escorted away by the police (after calling us all bitches and Grace a Jew, I may add)! We've created so many strange yet wonderful memories here over the last 30 days so I thought I'd share a few highlights;

- When a couple that looked about 15 got engaged in front of KFC in the food court. There friends were there with balloons and all started screaming when he popped the question. It was rather surreal!

- When Tyla took the quickest pee I have ever witnessed. The state of the bathrooms at the Russian department are so vile that no one dares to spend more than necessary in them.

- Buying a fake Russian copy of The Hangover 3 from a DVD vending machine for 80 roubles (aprox. £1.50)

- Snow in September!

- The Bar Duck drama (long story, perhaps I'll tell you about it one day ;))

So that's about it! I have an exciting week coming up because on Thursday we're going on a class trip to a 'Rock Opera'(?) and then popping up to St. Petersburg on Friday for a long weekend with my mama, so I look forward to telling you all about it! 

Until next time,


Isobel Rose. 22.
London-born, Hong Kong raised.
Language graduate. Frequent traveller.
London/Bath, UK

PR Emails & General Emails

Third culture kid (TCK) is a term used to refer to children who were raised in a culture outside of their parents' culture for a significant part of their development years.

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