So Saturday marked the two week point, and lots have happened since we last spoke. Everything has settled down, everyone now knows pretty much where they're going and what they're doing, which makes for a much calmer atmosphere. However, the Russian 'freshers flu' has been doing the rounds (I'm still recovering!) so we have all gone through a lot of tissues!
So what's been going on? Well, on Tuesday my parents arrived in Voronezh to visit me for a few days. It was so nice to have them here as it's been a difficult couple of weeks. Also, not only did my mum bring the few things I couldn't fit in my own suitcase, she also managed to bring a huge bag full of treats (at least 7 big bars of Dairy Milk and a good few packets of Ginger Nuts - yum!!) Considering the fact that I find Russian chocolate pretty gross, this made me feel so much better! The days whizzed by, merging into a combination of classes, sightseeing with my parents and trying to find a permanent home. Luckily, on Wednesday I finally secured a place that I can call home for the next 3 months - I cannot even tell you how good it felt to unpack!! Then on Thursday night, the night before my parents left, we all went out for dinner. It was nice because my mum and dad got the opportunity to meet all my friends here and vice versa - plus it was nice to have a delicious free meal! Then on Saturday, Voronezh celebrated День Города Воронежа (City Day of Voronezh). I have a post about that coming up very soon so stay tuned! Today was just spent chilling in bed, doing homework then meeting Grace, Tyla and Kiara at Галерия Чижова (local shopping mall) to do our weekly shop and to look for some sturdier boots for the months to come.
So that's about it, but before I go, here are a few pics from the week!

Like I said, there will be another post within the next few days about Voronezh Day - it was an interesting day to say the least!
Until next time,