Monday, September 16, 2013


Voronezh can be summed up in one word... Лужи (or puddles to you and I)! Actually, the masses of water everywhere could be better described as lakes or ponds. From what I can tell, proper drainage simply does not exist, so when it rains, the water has no where to go. In addition, lots of the roads and pavements are uneven so the water is able to collect in crevasses and create deceptively deep pools. It properly rained for the first time today in a week, and these pictures are the result of that. Granted, it rained all day but the rain was by no means heavy (nothing compared to the tropical storms in HK!) What's more, it hasn't been getting warm or sunny enough to evaporate more than a normal sized puddle, so these gargantuan pools of water are growing larger by the minute. 

Fancy taking a dip? :)

I am fully aware that this is by no means a very interesting post, but I thought it was strange and therefore decided to write about it. This way, I can look back on this blog in years to come and remember small things that remind me of my time in Россия!

Until next time,


Isobel Rose. 22.
London-born, Hong Kong raised.
Language graduate. Frequent traveller.
London/Bath, UK

PR Emails & General Emails

Third culture kid (TCK) is a term used to refer to children who were raised in a culture outside of their parents' culture for a significant part of their development years.

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