Why hello there, long time eh? Apologies once again, I can't say that I haven't had much excitement to post about - because I've had visitors our of my ears - but those plus exams have made for a busy Isobel! My family came to visit me for my 21st birthday at the end of May, and a week later lots of my friends came to visit so I have plenty of photos to post. I promise that once my last exam is over and done with next week, I get on with posting those!
The weather has been beautiful - we had one week of cold and rain just before my family came, but since then it's been nothing but blue skies. The temperature it generally hitting 30 degrees everyday, making for a rather jolly time to be had by all. I am a bit scared though - it's predicted to get up to the late 30's by the end of the week. I know, I know, you're all sitting there questioning why on earth I would be scared of 35+ degree temperatures, but I can assure you that 35 degrees in the middle of a city is quite a bit different from the 35 degree beach holiday that most of you are probably imagining. You know it's about to get hot when even the Madrileños are leaving town - the streets are emptying at a rapid rate, and I don't blame them, I'm sure it's much nicer by the seaside down south. Luckily I'm on exam leave, so I can hibernate in my room with my fan at full blast if all gets too hot, but I can assure you that if it got this hot in London, people would be dropping dead on the tube! Anyway, I'm off to top up my ever-developing tan - I swear I've never been so bronzed in my life!
Until next time,
Isobel x