Thursday, December 19, 2013

What the motherland has taught me...

Having been home for nearly a week (sorry for not updating sooner!) I've had time to think about my time in Russia, and realised that I've learnt a lot since September, so I thought I'd share with you all some valuable lessons that I learnt in my time there;

1. Vodka has so many more uses than you could possibly imagine. Used to treat about any illness (by rubbing it all over your body or adding it to tea), to keep you warm, and of course, to clean your jewellery.
2. Saying you ride a матрёшка (matryoshka = Russian doll) instead of a маршрутка (marshrutka = taxi/bus) to class everyday will not get you anywhere.
3. Learning how to open corked wine bottles - no screw tops there!
4. That it is very possible to cross the road without looking - in fact it's usually better to.
5. You don't pay when you get on a bus. Instead you do one of three things; pass your money forward when you find a seat, hand it to a conductor (only some buses), or pay when you get off.
6. That -5 can actually feel quite toasty.
7. That Russian men are just different, and their pick-up techniques are proof of that. Case and point; "Do you have a boyfriend? Yes. Does he live in Russia? No. Cool we can go out then?" Which is then followed by him showing you a picture of his young child. Interesting to say the least.
8. Russian is a very complex language, but they do have a few great shortcuts to balance it out. For example, the English language needs a word like 'можно'. The basic translation of можно is 'possible?' - a question word that can be used in practically any situation.
9. How to traverse a 3 metre wide (and deep!) hole with the help of only a wooden plank.
10. Just not to get upset when people just ignore you, are rude or shout- reminding yourself that the notion of customer services does not exist there.
11. Look, learn and follow. Classic examples being putting any shopping bags you have into a locker every time you enter a new store, or learning to cross the road.

So that's is! However, do not fret, I have a few more Russia related posts to put up before my adventure to Madrid begins!

Until next time,


Isobel Rose. 22.
London-born, Hong Kong raised.
Language graduate. Frequent traveller.
London/Bath, UK

PR Emails & General Emails

Third culture kid (TCK) is a term used to refer to children who were raised in a culture outside of their parents' culture for a significant part of their development years.

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