Today at 3pm, Katya and I arrived at our Russian Literature classroom, ready to settle down for an
exhausting 2 hour discussion about the poems of Mihail Lermontov. ¿Qué interesante, no? Obviously, one of our classmates felt as enthusiastic as we did, as about 10 minutes in, when the teacher couldn't get the internet to work, she said;
¿Profesor? ¿Podemos hacer la clase fuera? (Teacher? Can we have the class outside?)
The teacher um-ed and ah-ed for a second, and then said; ¿Por qué no? Vamanos. (Um why not, let's go).
Katya and I looked at each other, completely astonished at what was happening, our class mates (about 7 other students) were actually packing up and heading outside. If someone had asked asked that in the UK, the teacher would have just ignored them, but somehow, we were now heading down the stairs and out into the beautiful Spanish sunshine. We spent the next two hours discussing Russian poetry outside under the warm sun. It's wasn't particularly hot (about 20 degrees), but the sun itself was lovely and warm, and it really helped to make the 2 hours (which is a long time talking about Russian poetry in Spanish!) go that bit faster. To this moment I'm still a bit shocked that it actually happened, but I'm certainly not complaining. You wouldn't be able to do this in the UK in mid March, and you definitely wouldn't want to do it in Russia!
Well that's my little Spanish tale for today,
Until next time,
Isobel x