So today I am officially two thirds of the way through my time in Russia! This both excited me (as I am getting seriously food-homesick, if that's even a thing, and ready to return back to the good 'ol UK) but at the same time, I am absolutely terrified as although I have learnt a hell of a lot, I definitely do not feel ready to leave my Russian-focused part of my YA behind. I definitely think that I will be returning to the motherland (perhaps St. P?) for a month or so after my return from Madrid next summer as my Russian needs all the help it can get.
Moving on, let's take a little look at what's happened since my '1 month down' update...
- Tyla coming out with her best line yet; "You can't assume anything here. I mean I didn't assume that I'd get run over by a car this morning". Don't worry, it only tapped her ;)
- A lovely trip to an aquarium that also turned out to be the home to meerkats, monkeys and squirrels. #onlyinrussia (full post coming soon!)
- Sveta (Katya's housemate) teaching me useful vocab likе пьяная (drunk).
- Oh, and now it truly looks like winter in Воронеж (despite only having a few nippy days, -2° I'm looking at you...)
Frozen puddles in the morning
Afternoon sun
So that's what's been going on - it's been a lot less eventful this month as we are much more used to our surroundings and are no longer shocked at general Russian antics. However, I've got a post about our trip to Град-Парк (a big shopping centre about 40 minutes from the centre) where there was an aquarium! Plus, tomorrow I'm off to Moscow for the weekend with to meet my Mum and do some sightseeing. Hopefully we will have lovely weather like we did in St. Petersburg!
So, until next time!