Hello! Like I mentioned in my last post, I was preparing to pop to Moscow for a long week with my Mum. I've put together a quick summary of out trip with a few photos of what we saw. If you're friends with me on Facebook, I have all of my photos up on there so feel free to take a look! Right, onto the photo diary...
DAY 1:
Day 1 was pretty jam-packed as we wanted to make the most of out limited time in Moscow. By 10.30 we were up and out, on our way to Красная Площадь (Red Square), which was conveniently about 5 minutes from our hotel. Luckily the weather was absolutely gorgeous (although a bit nippy!) so I got some great photos. We wandered around Red Square then I went into Lenin's Mausoleum which was surreal as you can see his embalmed body in state. I have always wanted to see him, but it was pretty scary as it felt as though he was just about to open his eyes! We then got some good photos of St. Basil's Cathedral and headed back towards the hotel as that is where we hopped onto one of those hop-on/off tour busses. In my opinion, they are the best way to see a city (especially one as large as Moscow!) as you can get your bearings and get on and off as you please for about £2-3 for 24 hours. From the bus I got some great photos and managed to see pretty much everything I wanted to.

В аэропорте Домодедово / At Domodedovo Airport (Moscow)
Большой Театр / The Bolshoi Theatre
Полиция в Москве / Police in Moscow
Музей Отечественной Войны 1812 Года / The Patriotic War of 1812 Museum
Государственный Исторический Музей / The State History Museum
Красная Площадь / Red Square
Красная Площадь / Red Square
Красная Площадь / Red Square
Собор Василия Блаженного / St. Basil's Catherdral
ГУМ / GUM Shopping Centre
Могила Неизвестного Солдата / The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
Государственный Исторический Музей / The State History Museum
Государственная Дума / The State Duma (parliament)
На Красной Площади / On Red Square
Москва Река / The Moscow River
Кремль / The Kremlin
Храм Христа Спасителя / Cathedral of Christ the Saviour
DAY 2:
We weren't as lucky with the weather on day two, but luckily is was marginally warmer so my fingers didn't threaten to fall off! After a lot of confusion the day before (Moscow is NOT user friendly, even with some Russian under your belt), we were determined to visit the Kremlin. It was not immediately obvious where to enter from but after a bit of wandering (and luck) we managed to find the entrance and purchase the tickets. It was a lot different that I thought it would be inside the Kremlin - there are a few very Soviet-looking buildings, but the majority were gorgeous gold-tipped churches. I wasn't able to take any photos inside said churches, but the insides were covered with paintings and murals, and one of them (The Cathedral of the Archangel) was filled with many famous tombs including the tomb of
Иван Грозный (Ivan the Terrible), his son and his grandson. They are very strict about where you walk within the grounds of the Kremlin (despite not having many signs) and we got whistled at a number of times (as did others, I may add)! We then strolled along the river and made our way back to Red Square and popped into ГУМ, a grand shopping centre (often compared to Harrods). All of the christmas decorations were up and it was quite magical. Of course we didn't buy anything other than a drink because everything was so expensive! To top off a busy weekend, we headed back to the hotel and were treated to a lovely spa treatment before having a last delicious dinner overlooking the Bolshoi Theatre and the Kremlin!
В Кремле / In the Kremlin
В Кремле / In the Kremlin
В Кремле / In the Kremlin
В Кремле / In the Kremlin
ГУМ / GUM Shopping Centre
ГУМ / GUM Shopping Centre
Вид из гостиницы / View from the hotel
Вид из гостиницы / View from the hotel
So that's it! The next morning I was back in the car back to the airport at 10am. Moscow was really great to see - even though I think I may prefer St. Petersburg. However, having learnt a lot of Soviet history and politics, it was really exciting so see all of these places that I've read about. Overall it was a lovely trip and I'm glad that I finally got to go!
Until next time,