Friday, July 4, 2014

Mi Último Día en Madrid

My last full day in Madrid was a lovely one - I woke up at a respectable time (11am *cough*) and strolled for about 30 minutes before reaching the Teleférico de Madrid (cable cars). This was more or less the last thing I wanted to cross off my list before departing, and I'm glad that I did. The cable cars themselves weren't overly impressive - they weren't especially high or spectacular, but the views in store certainly were. The cable car station is just north of the Royal Palace, so you get a great view of that, and on the other side and underneath you get impressive views of Casa de Campo - the largest urban park in Madrid. There's not really that much else to say - I rode the cable cars to the station in the middle of Casa de Campo, and got back on, as there wasn't much at the other end other than a ridiculously overpriced restaurant and a path leading to the Madrid Zoo and a theme park (not something I felt like visiting alone - especially in 30+ heat). So, here are some photos I snapped along the way to the cable cars, and when I was along for the ride...

Estación de Principe Pío, la Catedral de Almudena y el Palacio Real / Principe Pío Station, the Almudena Cathedral and the Royal palace
Rio Manzanares, la Catedral de Almudena y el Palacio Real / The Manzanares River, the Almudena Cathedral and the Royal Palace

After my short trip on the cable cars, I made my way back to my neighbourhood with the intentions of heading home to finish packing and cleaning my room. However, the tan on my legs is terribly uneven - tanned on my thighs and feet - but white in the middle (damn shadows!) Therefore, I decided that it was wise to give them one last chance to prove themselves, whilst treating myself to my last delicious Spanish ice cream. I'm usually one for Nutella (which my Italian friend says even rivals the best gelato!) but today I felt like something a tad fruitier, and decided to be bold and try a Blood Orange sorbet - it was a wise choice indeed! So there I sat, with my legs stretching out the side of the ice cream shop to catch the sun, a very refreshing sorbet in hand and my book - soaking in the 30 degrees heat. 

En el Metro / In the Metro
Sorbet de Naranja de Sangre / Blood Orange sorbet

After my sorbet shop, I finally headed home to get cracking, hoping that my legs had caught the sun. And that brings me to now, I'm packed, my bedroom is sparkling and I'm enjoying the football with a plate of beans on toast (how very Spanish of me!) Tomorrow, I'll be on my way on the airport come midday, and I'll be back at my kitchen table in Kent by tea time. However, do not fret! It is not all over yet... stay tuned for my next YA adventure....

Until then,
Isobel x

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Isobel Rose. 22.
London-born, Hong Kong raised.
Language graduate. Frequent traveller.
London/Bath, UK

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Third culture kid (TCK) is a term used to refer to children who were raised in a culture outside of their parents' culture for a significant part of their development years.

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