Tuesday, August 20, 2013

18 days and counting...

I don't really know how to start this all off, to be honest I have been putting off writing this post for a while now in fear that it will get me all worked up and panicky. However, before we start, I will warn you that despite being a languages student, I am actually not that great at writing. Yes, I can tell you about what I've been doing and where I've been, but I warn you now, it will not be witty or charming in any way. It will simply be an overflow of my thoughts accompanied by some (hopefully) great photos that allow me to get away with my dull commentary. 

Anyway, the countdown has well and truly begun - my entire summer has been blissfully spent thinking something along the lines of "Oh yeah, I'm moving to Russia... in a few months". Until now, things have not really felt very real. Well as of 7th August (exactly a month to my departure) things have been seeming very real. If you know me through by beauty blog or in real life, then you will know that the 20kg luggage limit is freaking me out a little. I'm not exaggerating here, I have actually spent sleepless nights trying to convince myself that I only need to take one moisturiser - and it hasn't worked yet! What's more, Katya and I (one of my best friends from uni) have actually decided that we will take 5 nail polishes each, and converse before hand as to insure that we don't take similar colours! It's actually reached a new level of insanity! 

Besides having to live 'light' for the next few months, I am kept awake at night making more lists than you can imagine (my family have actually started to make fun of me!) Being based in 3 different locations (Hong Kong, my family house in London and my flat in Bath) makes life significantly more difficult when it comes to organising oneself. To add to matters, I am currently in beautiful Australia (which I am by no means complaining about!) but I feel a bit like a sitting duck. I can't really do anything here to prepare (and if you know me and how organised I like to be, you will know how much this is killing me!) However, once I hit the ground back in HK, the whirlwind will grab hold of me, so I'm trying to enjoy the calm before the storm here in sunny Australia, no matter how antsy I become. 

Right, I think I have subjected you to enough of my rambling today, but before I leave, let's do a quick status report;

Russian visa... check!
Russian revision.... (very) slowly but surely
Handy packing app downloaded... check!

Until next time!


(18 days and counting!)

Isobel Rose. 22.
London-born, Hong Kong raised.
Language graduate. Frequent traveller.
London/Bath, UK

PR Emails & General Emails isobel@isobel-rose.com

Third culture kid (TCK) is a term used to refer to children who were raised in a culture outside of their parents' culture for a significant part of their development years.

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