Wednesday, February 3, 2016

A weekend in Amsterdam

Hallo (as they say in Dutch!) and welcome to my first full travel post of the new year! I got into a bit of a slump last year when it came to updating this little blog, but I've experienced a new wave of motivation and am now determined to keep my travel log up to date - starting with a weekend trip to Amsterdam for my sister's twenty-first birthday! In the past, I've been deterred from writing these posts due to all of the chatting that I tend to do during them, so I'm going to try to streamline them and make more of a 'photo diary' type post. Since I won't include as much text, feel free to leave a comment below or tweet me at @isobelrose27 if you have any questions about the post! 

Right, Amsterdam... yes. As expected, Amsterdam has a certain whimsical charm thanks to the picturesque canals and the quaint leaning houses that make up the centre of the city. Due to the timing of the trip, the weather was much like what we had left at home in England - wet, cold and windy, but none of the above took away from the magic that surrounds the historical centre. In our two and a half days there, we wandered around the red light district, past Anne Frank's house (it was fully booked), around the Heineken brewery, visited clog stores, the flower market, and the 'bong supermarket', and then hopped onto a boat tour to explore from the famous waterways - all whilst enjoying a delicious Stroopwafel! 
On a river cruise.
A seagull wearing clogs!
The 'Bong Supermarket'
ALL the Nutella!!
Clogs galore!
Family selfie (minus my brother.)
Oh my god the best things ever - Stroopwafels!

The Heineken Brewery!

Can you spot me?

So there you have it, my weekend in Amsterdam! Have you guys visited? What did you think?
If not, has this post inspired you to go? Let me know!

Until next time,
Isobel x

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Monday, February 1, 2016

An update!

Oh, hey there - long time no see, eh? Yeah, sorry about that - I got so far behind with updates that I decided to push this blog to the back of my head and leave it there to gather dust. But, no more! One of my 'resolutions' this year is to finally get this space up to date and keep it that way, so get ready for an influx of posts. First I'll get up a photo diary of my weekend in Amsterdam that I've literally just got back from (it was amazing by the way!) and then I'll finally get my posts from Mexico up - about time, am I right? I'm also going to move all my travel based posts from my main blog onto here as part of a rebrand/reshuffle (congrats, you're the first to know!) and hopefully, I'll be updating over here a lot more often! 

Until next time,
Isobel x
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Sunday, August 2, 2015

Mexico: a preview

Coming soon...
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Isobel Rose. 22.
London-born, Hong Kong raised.
Language graduate. Frequent traveller.
London/Bath, UK

PR Emails & General Emails

Third culture kid (TCK) is a term used to refer to children who were raised in a culture outside of their parents' culture for a significant part of their development years.

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